
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dream a Dream

I have a new dream!!!! I wish some men understood how women think.
Impossible, right? We women think the same thing about you guys, so don’t be saying women are impossible to understand.
For instance, I met someone a few years ago and was not initially attracted to him. As I grew closer to him in friendship, I became more attracted because I could see his heart, and not just his physical appearance. When I told him, he said he had placed me in the ‘friend’ category because he was tired of trying…. I was pretty upset about this situation because he had literally just been flirting with me, which indicated to me that he was interested.
So men… you are just as impossible. Stop flirting if you don’t have any intention of following through.
And for goodness sake! Follow through if you are truly interested! Women don’t want to date a chicken.
It’s been rough, meeting men who appear interested then never follow through. Men these days do not seem to get that chivalry thing, as if it is too much trouble.
Or the men think they should be chased, then turn around and call a woman aggressive or other less becoming names because she showed interest.
You can’t have it both ways, guys. Make a move, or move on.
And ladies… be honest with the interested guy. And give him a chance, especially if he seems decent enough.
There can be valid reasons to not want to date someone.. age, religious beliefs, children, goals, etc. Each person has their own set of needs and wants that must be fulfilled by their life mate, but being petty about it isn’t good. If you want someone to share an interest you have, and refuse to give someone a chance because they don’t hunt/dance/cook/go fishing or play a particular sport, then you may have passed up on a good person because you might be a little too particular.
I personally hate camping…in a tent. I want a bed and a shower. I’ve spent more than enough time on active duty playing in the dirt, and now I do not have any desire to do it ever again. It would be crushing to think someone I really liked would not give me a chance because I did not like camping.
It would be the same thing as me expecting some guy I met to knit or take up knitting and refuse to have anything to do with him because he did not or would not. Silly, huh?

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